Fifth and Sixth Class

6th Class 2023/2024

Halloween Fun in 5th and 6th Class

Confirmation 2023

5th Class Activities

Over the past few weeks, 5th class have been doing yoga with our visiting yoga instructor. Just before the easter break, they also enjoyed a visit from a mobile pet farm and a storyteller.


The Offaly VEX Robotics Championship 2023 took place on Wednesday (01/02/2023) in Tullamore. We had two teams competing from school Bhríde. Each team had one robot. The robots’ names were Ted and Obu. Each team had to design and create a robot that could complete a series of tasks, You received points for every task completed. The top two teams with the highest points qualified for the all-Ireland competition. Unfortunately, we did not qualify for the all-Ireland but the two teams did excellent and finished 14th and 9th out of 27 teams. The children put in a lot of effort from November to February and should be extremely proud of themselves.