Crazy Hair Day

Scoil Bhríde held a ‘Crazy Hair Day’ on the 16th of March. This fantastic fundraising idea was created by one of our own pupils in Scoil Bhríde. The money raised from holding the event will be used by our 6th class teacher Mr. Casey while he is in Uganda this summer. He is setting up links from our school to a school in Uganda. The proceeds will be spent on life-saving healthcare and school essentials such as pencils and books for children affected by HIV.

Proclamation Day

Proclamation Day was held on 15th March. We had a ceremony to raise the Irish Flag that was presented to us by the Defense Forces earlier in the school year to remember the 1916 Rising. We were very lucky to celebrate the day with local historian Mairead Evans who raised the flag with fellow member of the Historical Society in Edenderry Therese Abbott and Mariead’s daughter Fionnuala Doyle. Caitlin from 6th class read the Old Proclamation and Victoria from 5th class read the Proclamation for a New Generation which she composed herself. The staff and children sang the Song Grace followed by Ireland’s Call and Amhrán na bhFiann played by the school band.

World Book Day

World Book Day took place on Thursday the 3rd of March. All children were invited to dress up as their favourite character on the day. The children also participated in literacy activities based on their favourite books. It was great to see so many children interested in reading! A total of €479.40 was raised for our school library. A huge thank you to all those involved.

Enterprise Day

Enterprise day was held in Scoil Bhríde on Friday the 11th of March. Classes from 3rd to 6th class took part. It was an outstanding success with many very different business ideas on the day. It was a very enjoyable day for all of the students and parent. The judges had a very difficult job picking winners from the junior and senior section!


Seachtain na Gaeilge

Bhí Seachtain na Gaeilge ar súil ó 7ú – 11ú lá de mhí Márta. Bhí craic agus spraoi againn i rith na seactaine. Bhí ceolchoirm, tráth na gCeist, cluichí biongó, banna ceol agus a lán rudaí eile ar súil. Bhí an-chraic againn trí mheán na Ghaeilge.

Spelling Bee Competition

Scoil Bhríde held a Spelling Bee on Wednesday the 2nd of March. The event went every well and was a very enjoyable experience for the children involved. The winner of the competition was Holly in Sixth Class. Also, congratulations to Aisling who came in second place.


Scholastic Book Fair

The Scholastic Book Fair took place in Scoil Bhríde from Monday the 29th of February until Wednesday the 2nd of March. It was fantastic to see so many children at the book fair with their parents. We thank you all so much for participating in our book fair as this has resulted in our school receiving a much needed supply of books for our library from Scholastic. We would also like to say a special word of thanks to the members of the Parents’ Association who helped out with the book fair, it would not have been possible to run it without the kind generosity of their time and skills.